Kinks and Coils (Hold the Curls): Care for Type 4 Hair

Type 4 hair is the most versatile yet little understood hair type. What is type 4 hair? A hair texture typical of Afro-Descendants, which can range from fluffy/soft, coily, kinky, with little to no curl pattern. Much like other textured hair types, moisture is key for type 4 hair. The #1 recommended moisture source is WATER! In addition a water based conditioner such as the Maracuja Milk for Kinks, Curls, and Coils is key. Type 4 hair also thrives with natural oils and butters such as Hair and Body Honey that lessen breakage and adds sheen and softness.

Below are a few style suggestions for type 4 hair:

*Hair via the Beija Flor Naturals Pinterest


Set it Free

Up-do Styles

Twist Out/Braid Out
